The Kien

Kien Ziwahatan of the Una

Born on Super Bowl Sunday, January 28, 1990, in Eugene, Oregon to Richard and Lucretia; three of the Kien's grandparents were Native American Mixed-Bloods. A practicing Jew, Kien Ziwahatan is also of Jewish descent through their father, making them the only reigning Jewish monarch in the world.

The Kien is the only openly gay trans-non-binary world leader and is the second youngest tribal monarch behind King Rukidi IV of Tooro. When the Kien came out as non-binary, they legally changed their name to Alexander "Alex" Ziwahatan

Due to blood quantum laws and the destruction of documents, the Kien is unable to enroll with their six ancestral Native American tribes:

  • Yankton Sioux,
  • Piscataway,
  • Nanticoke,
  • Powhatan,
  • Cherokee, and
  • Shawnee

The Kien succeeded their father as Paramount Chief of the Una Nation in June 2016. The Kien's father abdicated due to health reasons. In 2018, the Council voted unanimously to change the title of the leader from Paramount Chief to King. 

Due to the Kien being non-binary, the Council voted to change the title of the King to Kien (pronounced as keen), an amalgamation of the title of titles of King and Queen; the first title of its kind. Our leader is known as the Kien of the Una

In 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kien Ziwahatan married Joshua Chase on December 21, 2020, at their home in Eugene, Oregon. The two recall their whirlwind romance as "love in the time of Covid."

After graduating high school in 2008, Kien Ziwahatan attended Lane Community College (2008-2011), Strayer University (2016-2017), and Southern New Hampshire University (2018-2019), majoring in Business Management. In 2023, Abide University granted an Honorary Doctorate of Metaphysics to the Kien. 

Kien Ziwahatan has owned multiple businesses and has worked in the healthcare industry since 2009. The Kien continuously works to get the Una recognition, and fights for the rights of Native American Mixed-Bloods to be protected.